Clinical features of hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome in acute polymorphic psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia

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Bardenshteyn LM, Aleshkina GA. [Clinical features of hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome in acute polymorphic psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(4):69-73. Russian


To analyze the psychopathological characteristics of acute polymorphic psychotic disorders without symptoms of hallucinatory-paranoid type schizophrenia a study was conducted of 21 patients with psychotic episodes, corresponding to the diagnostic criteria of ICD – 10 for acute and transient psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia (F 23.0, 23.8 F, F 23.9). Used were clinical- psychopathological, clinical follow-up and statistical methods. The paper presents the results of an analysis of psychopathological manifestations of hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome in acute polymorphic psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia. The structure of the syndrome is determined largely by true auditory and visual perceptual deception coupled with delusions of persecution. However, in some cases, there was revealed the presence of perceptual deceptions combining the characteristics of pseudo - and true hallucinations, sketchy ideas of impact and violation of the associative process in the form of involuntary influx of thoughts similar to thought crowding. These features complicate the picture of acute transient psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia.


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