Development of the concept of schizophrenia in the works of scientists of the V. Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in the 1920–1940s

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Klembovskaya EV, Poluyan SI, Vinnikova IN, et al. [Development of the concept of schizophrenia in the works of scientists of the V. Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in the 1920–1940s]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(1):4-15. Russian


This scientific review, pursuing the objective of presenting the key ideas and the problem issues in terms of the international development of the concepts of schizophrenia, we have carried out the analysis of the views held by our country’s scientists who had worked at the V. Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in the first half of the 20th century. The main problems for research and discussion were found in the concept of schizophrenia, its boundaries and its mild forms, the schizophrenic reactions and the forensic medical assessment of this disorder. Studies of schizophrenia undertaken by prominent scientists reflected the contradictions inherent in the concept of schizophrenia put forward by E. Bleuler and E. Kraepelin, which have retained their topicality even 100 years later.

Keywords schizophrenia; psychosis; forensic psychiatric examination; insanity; forms of schizophrenia; concept of schizophrenia; schizophrenic reaction


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