Pitfalls of the pathography of historical figures on the example of the pathographic study of Emperor Peter III
Suggested citation:
Bakaev KG. [Pitfalls of the pathography of historical figures on the example of the pathographic study of Emperor Peter III]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(2):91-98. Russian
In this scientific review, in order to identify the characteristic methodological errors of pathographic studies, the author analyzes the character traits of the Russian Emperor Peter III and their reflection in the relevant works. The materials of the works by P.I. Kovalevsky, as well as memoirs and notes by the emperor's contemporaries and studies of recent years are used. It is concluded that the penultimate palace coup of the XVIII century was caused not by the mental dangerousness or deviations of Peter III, but by the desire to usurp power, taking advantage of the peculiarities of the monarch's personality. Also, the article shows the pitfalls that a specialist dealing with pathography may encounter.
Keywords pathography; P.I. Kovalevsky; methodology; recorded history; psychiatry; psychology; mental disorders; 18th century; Peter III
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2021-10210
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