The use of cannabinoids in the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders
Suggested citation:
Klimenko TV, Korchagina GA, Igumnov SA. [The use of cannabinoids in the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(2):62-72. Russian
In this scientific review, in order to study the current state of the issue of the use of cannabinoids for medical purposes, an analysis of available foreign systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials on the effectiveness and safety of cannabis-based drugs in patients with various, including mental disorders, was conducted. It is shown that the data accumulated to date on the effectiveness of the use of cannabis and its metabolites in medical practice are contradictory, do not give a clear opinion on its therapeutic effectiveness, which requires further study of the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids with an assessment of long-term effects in as many patients as possible.
Keywords cannabis; cannabinoid receptors; mental disorders; treatment; therapeutic efficacy
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