Влияние антидепрессивной терапии на когнитивные нарушения у больных с депрессивными расстройствами

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Akhapkin RV, Maslova MA, Fayzulloev AZ. [Влияние антидепрессивной терапии на когнитивные нарушения у больных с депрессивными расстройствами]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(4):80-83. Russian


Reviewed are outcomes of a comparative non-randomized clinical study aimed at elucidating the effects of antidepressants and their combination with nootropics and cognitive-behavioral therapy on cognitive impairments in patients with non-psychotic depressive disorders. It has been found that patients with depressive disorders tend to show lower parameters of shortterm memory, neurodynamic activity, regulatory (executive) functions, stress tolerance and the strength of the nervous processes in comparison with the population average values. Antidepressants demonstrated no positive impact on short-term memory, mainly improving neurodynamic performance. At the same time, tricyclic antidepressants were found to exert negative effects on attention. Improvement of short term memory occurred only when nootropic drugs were added. The concurrent use of antidepressants and cognitivebehavioral therapy enhanced the positive impact on many parameters of cognitive functioning.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2015-1%25x

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