Ensuring the confidentiality of personal information and protecting medical secrecy when placing medical information about persons with mental and drug-related disorders in medical information systems

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Makushkin EV, Klimenko TV. [Ensuring the confidentiality of personal information and protecting medical secrecy when placing medical information about persons with mental and drug-related disorders in medical information systems]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(4):29-35. Russian


In the article, in order to study the current state of protection of medical secrecy of patients with mental and drug-related disorders in the situation of transition to digital healthcare and the development of information systems that include all personal data of patients, according to the results of the analysis of federal legislation and regulatory legal acts, it is shown that the provision of medical secrecy of persons with mental and drug-related disorders is carried out on a general basis, the prospects and positive aspects of digitalization for healthcare are shown and possible mechanisms for ensuring the confidentiality of medical care in psychiatry and narcology are considered.

Keywords medical secrecy; medical care; information systems; informatization; medical information; mental and drug-related disorders


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2021-10404

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