Clinical and dynamic characteristics of transsexual-like states in schizotypal disorder in adolescents
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D'yachenko AV, Bukhanovskaya OA, Soldatkin VA, et al. [Clinical and dynamic characteristics of transsexual-like states in schizotypal disorder in adolescents]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(2):77-93. Russian
In a controlled experiment, 121 patients were examined to describe the mechanism of the formation of transsexual-like states (TSLS) in schizotypal disorder (SHD) in adolescents. The main group (A) consisted of 60 adolescents with TSLS, the comparison group (B) – 61 patients without TSPS. 3 stages of TSLS formation were identified. At the stage of predisposition, specific and non-specific predisposition factors were formed from the clinical features of the SHD, sexual, personal and social spheres. At the initiation stage, patients were influenced by the pathoplastic background. At the stage of transformation, there was a change in the identification, appearance and behavior of patients according to their idea of transgender people. In adolescents with SHR, there was no true disturbance of sexual identification; only its imitation was observed. The emergence of TSLS was caused by pathological reactions of grouping and imitation, overvalued hobbies and overvalued dysmorphic idea.
Keywords transsexual-like states; schizophrenia; schizophrenic spectrum disorders; schizotypal disorder; transsexualism; sexual identification disorders; gender dysphoria
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