Screening for hypomania among patients with recurrent depression using the new HCL-33 questionnaire
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Mosolov SN, Yaltonskaya PA, Sen'ko OV, et al. [Screening for hypomania among patients with recurrent depression using the new HCL-33 questionnaire]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(6):59-69. Russian
To validate the Russian version of the HCL-33 we studied the cohort of 150 patients with a current diagnosis of Recurrent Depressive Disorder. The diagnosis according to ICD-10 was reassessed by clinical examination and was verified with structured diagnostic interview. In 69 patients (46%) the diagnosis was changed to Bipolar disorder. A cut-off score of 16 was optimal for separating Bipolar disorder II and Recurrent depression with the best ratio of sensitivity (0.71) and specificity (0.69); the highest ROC AUC value was 0.773; Cronbach's alpha – 0.91. Analysis of main components reveals two-factor structure of the scale. Both external and internal versions of the questionnaire had good consistence and can be recommended for hypomania screening in patients with current depression.
Keywords bipolar disorder; recurrent depressive disorder; HCL-33; hypomania
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