Features of the sexual sphere of patients with gender identity disorders in schizophrenic spectrum disorders and transsexualism
Suggested citation:
Starostina EA, Yagubov MI. [Features of the sexual sphere of patients with gender identity disorders in schizophrenic spectrum disorders and transsexualism]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(1):40-45. Russian
In the original cross-sectional study, 100 participants were selected to identify the characteristics of the sexual sphere of patients with gender identity disorders in schizophrenia spectrum disorders and transsexualism. According to the results of the study, data were obtained that patients with schizophrenia are more likely to have psychosexual developmental disorders, they are less likely to have romantic relationships and have sexual contacts compared to patients with transsexualism. In subjects with schizophrenia, bisexual and homosexual orientation of sexual desire is equally common, while in patients with transsexualism, homosexual orientation predominates. Those surveyed with schizophrenia and transsexualism have a low level of satisfaction with their sexual life.
Keywords gender identity disorders; transsexualism; gender dysphoria; schizophrenia; sexual dysfunctions; orientation; sex
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2022-10105
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