Topical problems in researching the antenatal effects of psychoactive substances

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Anokhina IP, Arzumanov YuL, Shamakina IYu, et al. [Topical problems in researching the antenatal effects of psychoactive substances]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(6):77-87. Russian


Current review is aimed at clarification of the effects of antenatal exposure of the drugs of abuse focusing on the mechanisms of central nervous system dysfunction, attention deficit, hyperactivity, cognitive dysfunction, psychosomatic problems in children born to mothers who used alcohol or other substances during pregnancy. One of the most important problems is potential contribution of prenatal exposure to drugs to increased substance abuse vulnerability later in life. This review highlights some of the key challenges and complexities facing medical and experimental research in this field as well as the possible ways to overcome them.  

Keywords psychoactive substances; antenatal effects; alcohol; heroin; pregnancy; brain; behavior


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