Modern assisted reproductive technologies: neuro-psychiatric, socio-psychological, moral and ethical aspects
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Tyuvina NA, Nikolaevskaya AO, Morozova VD. [Modern assisted reproductive technologies: neuro-psychiatric, socio-psychological, moral and ethical aspects]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(6):88-96. Russian
In the scientific report, in order to highlight both the advantages and possible negative consequences of the features of assisted reproductive technologies as a modern and effective way to overcome female infertility, data on the mental and physical health of children born with the help of assisted reproductive technologies are presented, as well as issues related to socio-psychological, moral-ethical, cultural-religious and legal aspects of the procedure of in vitro fertilization in the context of surrogate motherhood.
Keywords infertility; mental disorders; in vitro fertilization; assisted reproductive technologies; surrogate motherhood; neuropsychiatric disorders in children
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