Contraindications to polygraphic testing

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Kamenskov MYu, Vvedenskiy GE, Safuanov FS. [Contraindications to polygraphic testing]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(6):49-58. Russian


In a single-stage retrospective study with the purpose to determine contraindications to polygraphic testing 222 men were examined with using clinical, psychopathological, sexological, and psychophysiological methods. They underwent a sexological and psychiatric examination at the V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology in 2007–2018. Relative contraindications to polygraphic testing have been identified: these are cognitive disorders (attention disorders, rigidity of mental processes, endogenic thinking disorders), as well as some individual and personal characteristics (anxiety, impulsivity). An absolute contraindication is any acute or exacerbation of a chronic somatic disease. The results of the study determine the need for psychological and physical studies before polygraph testing.

Keywords polygraph; mental contraindications; somatic contraindications


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