Differentiated evaluation of fitness to stand trial in compensation and decompensation of personality disorders
Suggested citation:
Gadisov TG, Tkachenko AA. [Differentiated evaluation of fitness to stand trial in compensation and decompensation of personality disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(6):13-21. Russian
In this retrospective study with an objective of analyzing the influence of the dynamics of personality disorders on fitness to stand trial 90 subjects with personality disorder were examined. It is shown that the systemic analysis of structural impairments of individuality allows for a differentiated forensic psychiatric assessment. It was revealed that the features of the self-regulation system of compensated subjects does not indicate a limitation of fitness to stand trial. In decompensated subjects, fitness to stand trial can be limited or impaired due to a decrease or complete violation of the mediation of behavior by the motivational sphere with the domination of low-level structures of individuality in the construction of legally significant activities.
Keywords personality disorder; dynamics of personality disorders; decompensation; fitness to stand trial
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2021-10602
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