Neuropsychological cognitive profiles in a normotypic sample persons of early and middle age
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Dubinskiy AA, Shipkova KM, Lysenko NE, et al. [Neuropsychological cognitive profiles in a normotypic sample persons of early and middle age]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(6):70-76. Russian
In this original study, pursuing the objective of identifying the neuropsychological cognitive profiles in a normotypic sample, we have analyzed the data of studies with the participation of 256 contingently normal individuals aged between 18 and 55. It was found that the functions of attention, visual memory and spatial praxis are selectively reduced already in middle age. Subject and somatosensory perception, kinesthetic and subject praxis have higher productivity rates in younger adults. The results obtained confirm the need for timely detection of cognitive impairment and early preventive work with the risk group for cognitive impairment.
Keywords cognitive profiles; cognitive functions; neuropsychological assessment; prevention of cognitive impairment
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