The forensic psychiatric implication of combined auto- and hetero-aggressive behavior in schizophrenic patients

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Fastovcov GA, Oskolkova SN, Pechenkina OI. [The forensic psychiatric implication of combined auto- and hetero-aggressive behavior in schizophrenic patients]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(1):46-53. Russian


This paper highlights the results of clinical and mathematical analysis of peculiar features of schizophrenic patients with a prior history of auto- and heteroaggressive acts ( grave socially dangerous acts). The main patterns, underlying causes and motives behind such acts are identified, as are their combinations with other psychopathologies, personal and situational characteristics. The forensic psychiatric implication of auto- and hetero-aggression in schizophrenia is described, in particular for upgrading
criteria for substantiating expert conclusions and recommendations of medical nature which is essential in working out preventive measures against repeat offenses.


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