Gender specificity of self-regulation disorders in persons with aggressive and violent criminal behavior
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Lysenko NE, Dubinskiy AA. [Gender specificity of self-regulation disorders in persons with aggressive and violent criminal behavior]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(1):24-33. Russian
In an empirical study, in order to identify extra-nosological factors of dysregulation of behavior, the sexual differences of self-regulation and individual typological features were studied in a sample of 47 men and 40 women, with intact and with impaired ability to realize the actual nature and social dangerousness of violent criminal actions committed by them, in other words sane and insane. Analysis of the results of the study showed that the differences in self-regulation and individual typological features are heterogeneous depending on the gender of the subjects and dysregulation of behavior. It was revealed that the gender differences of self-regulation and individual typological characteristics are less pronounced in the group of insane subjects. Differences in psychological features of dysregulation of behavior are more pronounced in the group of women, and include a wider range of activation characteristics, self-control, aggression and formal dynamic properties than in the group of men.
Keywords self-regulation; behavior regulation; individual typological features; gender differences; criminal behavior
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