The basic role of the «self» and metacognitive processes in self-regulation
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Samylkin DV, Tkachenko AA. [The basic role of the «self» and metacognitive processes in self-regulation]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(2):15-25. Russian
In this problematic article, in order to analyze the phenomenon of “self”, its role in self-regulation, the existing ideas about it in various fields of knowledge (philosophy, neurophenomenology, psychopathology) and largely overlap with each other, are traced. Its level structure with the allocation of the pre-reflexive “self” and self-consciousness is closely related to the intentionality of the psyche and prognostic processes. It is shown that disturbances of the “self” are described in schizophrenia and personality disorders, causing difficulties in their differential diagnosis. The leading role of metacognitive processes and their “general psychological equivalent” of reflection in the regulation of self-processes necessitates their study in relation to the tasks of forensic psychiatric examination. The use of a neurophenomenological approach for this purpose, combining the neuronal and psychological levels of regulation of “self” processes, will allow us to approach the natural-scientific justification of legally significant criteria.
Keywords self-regulation; self; schizophrenia; personality disorder; neurophenomenology
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