Factor analysis of the revised Launay–Slade hallucination scale (LSHS-R) in the Russian-speaking environment
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Parnyakov AV, Polyakova AS, Solov'ev AG. [Factor analysis of the revised Launay–Slade hallucination scale (LSHS-R) in the Russian-speaking environment]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(3):86-92. Russian
In this study, 173 healthy individuals and 30 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders were examined in order to verify the internal reliability and factor structure of the Russian version of the 12-point questionnaire LSHS-R propensity to hallucinations. We propose a modification of the 3-factor model put forward by F. Waters et al. It is shown that LSHS-R has adequate psychometric properties, the reliability coefficients of ω-McDonald’s and α-Cronbach’s reach the value of 0.86. The convergent and divergent validity of LSHS-R are satisfactory, verified by calculating the Spearman correlation in a group of healthy individuals (102 people) with the indicators of the 10-point Short Portrait Personality Questionnaire of the Big Five and the 36-point Personality Questionnaire for DSM-5 and ICD-11. The use of the Russian-language version of LSHS-R for the diagnosis of deviant behavior and early detection of persons with hallucinatory predisposition or subclinical psychotic phenomenon is justified.
Keywords LSHS-R scale; hallucinatory predisposition; subclinical psychotic symptoms; psychometric properties
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2022-10311
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