Patronage familial in Orel zemstvo Holy Spirit psychiatric hospital
Suggested citation:
Nekrasov MA. [Patronage familial in Orel zemstvo Holy Spirit psychiatric hospital]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(1):71-79. Russian
The paper cites data on the creation in 1903 in the city of Orel by OZPH senior physician P.I. Jakobi and resident I.S. Herman of family care facility for the mentally ill which became one of the largest in Russia at that time. Described are the main evacuation routes proposed by P.I. Jacobi to
protect the psychiatric hospital he had built against overcrowding and an influx of chronically ill psychiatric patients. Reviewed are the requirements developed in OZPH to the owners of houses who undertook to furnish foster care to the mentally ill. Identified are the nosological characteristics of patients transferred to a family care home from psychiatric hospitals and charities.
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