Combined psychotherapy of post-traumatic disorders in children returning from war zones

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Zakharova NM, Perezhogin LO, Milekhina AV. [Combined psychotherapy of post-traumatic disorders in children returning from war zones]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(4):57-63. Russian


The article proposes an algorithm for combined psychotherapeutic care for children returned from war zones in the Middle East (Republic of Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic), based on the analysis of results of the clinical psychopathological and experimental psychological examination of 189 repatriated children, conducted during the period of specialist visits to the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Dagestan. The algorithm is based on polymodal psychotherapy, including methods of relaxation and self-regulation, methods of cognitive and behavioral processing of memories and experiences of psycho-traumatic nature and their secondary consequences, work with the microsocial environment of the child (host family). Therapeutic targets in children with post-traumatic disorders are described. The stages of psychotherapeutic work are singled out. The choice of therapeutic methods and techniques is substantiated.

Keywords children from war zones; post-traumatic stress disorder in childhood; psychotherapy of post-stress disorders in children; psychotherapeutic targets; stages of psychotherapy; cognitive behavioral therapy; autogenic training; relaxation techniques


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