The importance of screening neurocognitive tests in the diagnosis and analysis of clinical and dynamic patterns in epilepsy

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Usyukina MV, Lavrushchik MV, Kornilova SV. [The importance of screening neurocognitive tests in the diagnosis and analysis of clinical and dynamic patterns in epilepsy]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(4):4-11. Russian


In order to determine the diagnostic value of screening tests for assessing neurocognitive domains, a targeted analysis of the clinical and dynamic phenomena of the epileptic process was carried out with the identification of specific cognitive domains in determining the severity of cognitive disorders in epilepsy. We point out the necessity of screening cognitive abilities in patients with epilepsy using the MoCA test and the Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination, aimed at studying neurocognitive domains and more accurate verification of changes in certain cognitive functions.

Keywords epilepsy; neurocognitive disorders; screening psychometric tests


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