Training in medical university of specialists working with children with developmental disabilities
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Bocharova EA, Belova OS, Solov'ev AG. [Training in medical university of specialists working with children with developmental disabilities]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(5):84-90. Russian
In this scientific article, in order to systematize the directions of methodological work at a medical university for the training of specialists providing assistance to children of early and preschool age with developmental disabilities, an analysis of the methodological activities of the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology of the Northern State Medical University in Arkhangelsk in the field of training specialists in an interdisciplinary approach is carried out. The conditions for continuous training of medical and paramedical specialists in providing assistance to children with mental disorders, starting from the junior courses of the university, are described. This makes it possible to dynamically support specialists in the educational trajectory, both in an inclusive space and in comprehensive programs for strengthening children's health, taking into account regional conditions.
Keywords children of early and preschool age; education at a medical university; inclusive approach; professional development of specialists; preventive psychiatry
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