Psychogenically caused decompensations of organic mental disorder, comorbid with cardiovascular pathology (forensic psychiatric assessment). Part 2

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Tarasova GV, Vandysh-Bubko VV, Gilenko MV. [Psychogenically caused decompensations of organic mental disorder, comorbid with cardiovascular pathology (forensic psychiatric assessment). Part 2]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(4):12-18. Russian


In this observational analytical study in order to determine the optimal expert tactics in cases of psychogenically caused deterioration in the clinical picture of an organic mental disorder, comorbid with cardiovascular pathology, 102 male defendants (average age 55±13.52 years) who underwent inpatient forensic psychiatric examination were examined. The analysis of verified expert practice shows that in these cases there are three variants of expert solutions with a stable set of clinical parameters in each case, priority tasks of expert evaluation, the ability to predict optimal expert conclusions with varying significance of psychogenically caused symptoms. Such differentiation contributes to increasing the effectiveness of forensic psychiatric examination in cases of unfavorable psychogenically determined dynamics of mental disorder.

Keywords organic mental disorder; comorbid cardiovascular disorders; forensic-psychiatric assessment; psychogenic decompensation


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