Factors influencing the hetero-aggressive behavior of persons with organic mental disorders and mental retardation (socio-clinical aspect)

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Makushkina OA, Frolova AV, Golenkova VA, et al. [Factors influencing the hetero-aggressive behavior of persons with organic mental disorders and mental retardation (socio-clinical aspect)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(4):27-36. Russian


In this observational comparative study, in order to determine the factors contributing to the formation of aggressive criminal behavior in persons with organic mental disorders and mental retardation, an analysis of socio-demographic, clinical features and anamnestic characteristics of two groups of respondents has been carried out – 40 respondents with stable hetero-aggressive behavior who committed violent offenses, and 35 patients with law-abiding behavior. The obtained results contribute to understanding the nature of hetero-aggression in people with severe forms of mental pathology, their application will contribute to improving the accuracy of risk assessment, developing effective strategies for the prevention of violent offenses.

Keywords aggressive behavior; organic mental disorders; mental retardation; socially dangerous behavior; violent offenses


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2022-10404

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