Acute onset dementia with COVID-19

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Pishchikova LE, Letnikova ZV, Egorova DA. [Acute onset dementia with COVID-19]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(1):60-68. Russian


In order to determine the ability of the COVID-19 virus to cause cognitive impairment and dementia in older people, a clinical case of acute onset dementia was analyzed. The review of pathogenesis factors that can cause the development of cognitive disfunction, including the direct impact of the virus on the structures of the brain, hypoxia, thrombosis, disorders of cerebral circulation is presented. A historical parallel with the exogenous types of K. Bonhoeffer reactions is drawn. We submit the results of studies of psychopathological manifestations of influenza psychoses in the past, which have not lost their relevance to the present. We note the special role of the form of disturbed consciousness characteristic of infectious and somatic psychoses – amentia. The sequential change of exogenous types of reactions that led to dementia is described.

Keywords older people; exogenous types of reactions; K. Bonhoeffer; neurotropism of the COVID-19 virus; disorders of consciousness; amentia; dementia with acute onset; mental disorders in influenza epidemics in a historical context


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