Assessment of anxiety in patients with alcohol and drug dependence at different stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process, taking into account the gender characteristics and substance use diagnosis

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Goreckaya TA, Lanovaya AM, Fadeeva EV. [Assessment of anxiety in patients with alcohol and drug dependence at different stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process, taking into account the gender characteristics and substance use diagnosis]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(2):61-72. Russian


In this observational cohort study aimed at assessing trait and state anxiety in individuals with substance use disorders at various stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process, 83 patients with alcohol and drug dependence were examined. The combination of substance dependence with anxiety and depression is quite common in clinical practice within organizations providing medical care in the fields of psychiatry and addiction psychiatry. The use of valid and reliable tools for psychological and clinical diagnostics at different stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process, taking into account gender differences, allows for monitoring the dynamics of psychoemotional changes in patients with substance use disorders, thus enabling the personalization of therapeutic interventions.

Keywords anxiety; alcohol use disorder; drug use disorder; gender characteristics


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