Development of the general model of self-regulation in forensic psychiatry. Paper 3. Appearance of intention
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Tkachenko AA, Demidova LYu. [Development of the general model of self-regulation in forensic psychiatry. Paper 3. Appearance of intention]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2019;(2):17-27. Russian
The aim of this review is highlighting the mechanisms underlying appearance of intention and the tendency to commitment of a specific action. It is shown that development of thinking and features of making decisions are deeply rooted in both the mechanisms of movement and ways of interactions with environment. Presented the results of studies showing that emergence of intention and tendency to commit an action are reflected in partial activation of neural mechanisms responsible for implementation of behavior. The concept of «affordance» is considered as a characteristic of the environment furthering appearance of intention. Disclosed the role of emotions and consciousness in emergence of intention to perform an action.
Keywords intention; movement; cultural specialization; affordance; emotions; consciousness
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