EEG study of patients with epilepsy experiencing seizure remission
Suggested citation:
Mel'nikova TS, Rogacheva TA. [EEG study of patients with epilepsy experiencing seizure remission]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(3):58-62. Russian
The paper presents findings from an EEG-study of 107 epileptic patients experiencing a longterm seizure remission. Based on general criteria for evaluating the intensity and topography of brain rhythms, patients were divided into three groups: “normal” type (group 1, n=37), “desynchronized” type (group 2, n=31), and “hypersynchonized” type (group 3, n=39). Detailed analysis of EEG coherence was conducted in patients with a “normal” EEG. It showed a substantial diffuse decrease in functional cortical activity in this group. It is suggested that interhemispheric imbalance is implicated in the genesis of psychopathological disordersin epilepsy patients who achieved seizure remission.
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