Synergy of religious spirituality and mental disorders in old age
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Polishchuk YuI, Pishchikova LE, Letnikova ZV. [Synergy of religious spirituality and mental disorders in old age]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(3):59-63. Russian
We submit this clinical observation case with the objective of studying the mutual influence of religious spirituality and the mental disorders of old age, as well as illustrating the difficulties encountered in diagnosing and the differential diagnostics of the manifestations of overvalued ideas with religious content within the structure of old age depression. In this article we analyze the part played by religious spirituality in maintaining mental health in old age. We describe the specificity of the ideas of sinfulness and guilt within the structure of the depression of old age in religious patients. We submit recommendations pertaining to the need for a spiritually-oriented approach for prevention and treatment of religious-spiritual patients of old age.
Keywords religious spirituality; mental disorders of old age; ideas of sinfulness; ideas of guilt; spiritually-oriented approach
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