The problem of studying decision-making in persons who have committed socially dangerous actions in conflict situations

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Lysenko NE, Bulygina VG. [The problem of studying decision-making in persons who have committed socially dangerous actions in conflict situations]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2021;(3):56-66. Russian


In this scientific review, in order to improve the accuracy of the expert assessment of behavior dysregulation, the necessity of studying decision-making in persons who have committed socially dangerous actions in conflict situations is argued. We emphasize the necessity to overcome the methodological problems associated with the study of decision-making in forensic psychological assessment. It is shown that the state of stress and the semantic content of conflict play an important part in the dysregulation of behavior in acute conflict situations, and that it is difficult to study them in the course of forensic psychological assessment. We propose using the method of modeling the semantic aspects of conflict situations with the registration of autonomic indicators aimed at determining the level of stress. It is assumed that modelling will be helpful in the assessment of decision-making in conflict situations related to committing socially dangerous actions.

Keywords decision making; dysregulation of behavior; socially dangerous actions; self-regulation; conflict


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