Diminished legal capacity due to mental disorder in cases of raising or lowering the civil status: an analysis of social demand and representation of mental disorders
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Kharitonova NK, Rusakovskaya OA. [Diminished legal capacity due to mental disorder in cases of raising or lowering the civil status: an analysis of social demand and representation of mental disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(1):16-23. Russian
In the original descriptive study, in order to analyze the social request and the representation of individual nosologies in a group of subjects who, during a forensic psychiatric examination, were recommended to limit their legal capacity (n=95), two groups of subjects were compared. The first group (n=57) consisted of subjects who were examined in cases of applications for lowering civil status, the second (n=38) – in cases of applications for increasing civil status. Significant differences were revealed in the nature of the social request to change the civil status and in the representation of certain nosologies between the groups: in the first group, patients with organic mental disorders prevailed, the appeal to the court was more often determined by the request to prevent the commission of large property transactions. The second group was dominated by people suffering from schizophrenia and intellectual disabilities, the appeal to the court was more often associated with the desire to restore non-property rights. Prospects for further research are discussed.
Keywords legal incapacity; diminished legal capacity; restoration of legal capacity; mental disorders
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2022-10102
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